Chores Include HVAC Maintenance

Chores Include HVAC Maintenance

Is your family one of those that does spring cleaning? I did not grow up having specific spring cleaning routines, but there seems to be something inside of me that simply cannot let spring come and go without getting spring chores done.

Spring cleaning is like regular cleaning on steroids.

I clean things I would not clean at any other time of the year, and I set up appointments that need to get done. One such appointment is the HVAC service call. Every spring, I reach out to the heating and cooling company and have one of their technicians come out to do a complete service on the HVAC system. I’m not sure what all they do, exactly, while they are here, but I do know that it has helped my a/c equipment stay stronger and last longer. That is the goal. Everyone knows that having to do a major HVAC repair or worse, replace your heating and cooling equipment, is very expensive. That’s why I have always had an HVAC maintenance agreement with a heating and cooling company wherever I have lived. Generally, they cone do the HVAC service once or twice a year – in the spring and or the fall – to make sure your equipment is in good shape for the harsher weather of winter and summer. HVAC check-ups or HVAC tune-ups are usually part of the maintenance contract, and if you happen to need an HVAC repair, you usually get a discount on it and preferential scheduling times, as well. I will be calling in the heating and cooling guys as part of my spring cleaning this year.

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