I hope my gas fireplace breaks down on me soon

I hope my gas fireplace breaks down on me soon

My fireplace just break down on me.

I completely hated that heating appliance the moment I purchased it.

The heating appliance was just not powerful enough for my entire dwelling. It doesn’t use air duct to supply whole dwelling temperature control! So the upstairs & the kitchen never get any heating in the slightest. I had to get another heating appliance for the upper level & a ventless heating appliance for the kitchen. The fireplace pretty much needs to supply heating in the living room & it can barely do it correctly. It frequently makes extremely loud noises when running & takes a long while to power off. Turning it off & on has been a real challenge. I have changed the batteries in the wireless remote & updated the starter too. The fireplace still would absolutely prefer to just keep on running. It will keep on heating & heating. If the dwelling temperature gets to be 78, the fireplace will still heat unless I tell it to shut off. The off button doesn’t always work though. So anytime I turn the heating appliance on, I run the actual risk of just having a heating appliance on forever. I frequently go without heating so I don’t overheat the dwelling. Once the fireplace dies, I hope to get a boiler & just have that heat the entire dwelling. It connects to piping that can supply heating to the entire dwelling. I would only need one heating appliance this way. The upper floor heating appliance & ventless heating system could go straight to the curb. A boiler can even be used to heat the dwelling water if I wanted it to.
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