Being a writer or an HVAC contractor?

Being a writer or an HVAC contractor?

I just wanted to make enough cash to work on the side as an author.

I am an artist. I love painting, drawing and making crafts. I am also a fan of writing. I always wrote stories, poetry and tall tales when I was a kid. I always figured I would be an author or at least a blogger as an adult. I found online a scholarship to the local community school, that involved writing an essay. I knew I would get into the school based on my writing. I wrote the essay as a challenge to myself. I wanted it to be creative and fun. I did the job well done because I ended up winning a full 2 year scholarship to the school. I didn’t know if I still just wanted to write for a living. Maybe I would ruin my passion doing it for a living. So on a whim I decided to sign up for Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C classes. I had done some research plus found that Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C contractors can finish school in less than 2 years. Since they are actually much in demand now, I thought about it. Even a rookie Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C technician can start off making entirely great money. I just wanted to make enough cash to work on the side as an author. If I ever got big, I would bail on my HVAC contractor job. For now though, I really do enjoy the heating and cooling work. It makes sense to me and is easy work. I also can use this skill later in life with my own HVAC equipment.
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