Would love a mini AC unit

Would love a mini AC unit

I don’t want a big, centralized heating, cooling, and indoor air quality control device though.

Sometimes I wonder if people are as easy to please as I am, or if everyone on this planet is super high maintenance. It sure seems like most folks are operating on a system that I simply don’t have, which requires a lot of excess amenities and circumstances for them to be happy. Personally, I’m finding that the less I have, the happier I am. That’s how I intend to keep it, instead of falling back into this capitalist trap that we’ve all accepted as “how life works.” That’s why I’m happily living in the spare room of a rundown house at this point, joyfully and with excitement each day when I wake up. The room has everything i need and beyond! The only thing I’m lackin, to be honest with you, is just a little extra heating, coolign, and air quality control. I’ve been living without modern indoor air temperature or air quality control for a few weeks now and I’ve been making due. But I would really love to have my own thermostat on the nights that the indoor air is hot, humid, and stagnant. I’m not a huge fan of the heat and I would be much better off with the power to use an AC unit from time to time. I don’t want a big, centralized heating, cooling, and indoor air quality control device though. I’d really be much happier keeping things simple on the HVAC front, as well. That’s why I’m hoping to get a mini split ductless HVAC system as soon as possible, for the sake of my new simplified life. Simple home, simple HVAC, simple energy bills. What more could I need?

