Invited potential boss to my house to feel HVAC himself

Invited potential boss to my house to feel HVAC himself

Whenever people start talking about how difficult the job market is these days I can’t help but nod in agreement.

Obviously, the task of finding a new job has become a job itself.

So many of us are fighting for so few positions in our modern world that it can feel impossible to secure positions that you are completely qualified for. This is why I have been getting more creative with my job applications recently. In fact, last week I invited my potential employer over to my house just to improve my skill set in an innovative way. It probably helps a great deal to know that I am a professional heating, cooling, and air quality control technician. I have been applying for indoor air temperature control worker positions for over 6 months now, but the indoor air temperature and air quality repair industry is extremely oversaturated in my area. There are a lot of heating, cooling, and air quality control repair shops which makes the job market very competitive, whether you’re looking for a new HVAC shop or a new HVAC technician. This is why I decided to invite my potential boss over for dinner after finishing our interview at the indoor air temperature control dealership. I figured, rather than telling him all about my furnace, air conditioner, and thermostat repair, installation, and servicing skills… I should just show him. When he wandered into my perfectly comfortable home and experienced the high quality indoor air temperature for himself, he was impressed. When I told him that I was using 20 year old HVAC equipment, I was hired on the spot.


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