Prefer the smaller Heating plus A/C units

Prefer the smaller Heating plus A/C units

If you’re anything like me, you’re a fan of keeping things simple.

I’ve had an excessive amount of material belongings for most of my life, and the older I get, the more I want to separate myself from that way of being.

I’m easily a lot happier when I have less to worry about, which is all that giant homes and expensive gadgets symbolize to me at this period of the game… More room indoors means more things to clean and more air to worry about… At least, if you have flu symptoms like I do, it’s a lot more air to worry about. When you’re plagued by respiratory ailments in response to indoor air quality problems, life gets hard, then you start wondering about your heating, cooling, and air quality control device way more often than any man should. You might even get obsessive with your heating, coolign, and ventilation system to the extent that the local indoor air treatment repair shop knows you by name. This is the point I got to in my life before I made giant changes for my health and my brain – mostly, by switching to smaller indoor handling systems that I know I can manage. In this way, I can take care of my own heating and cooling repair separate from involving the expensive Heating plus A/C professionals. I constantly know that my heating and cooling system is running at maximum efficiency. And I have a lot of extra control over my indoor air, by way of updating the high quality HEPA filters on a respected basis! Going small means getting peace of mind, if you’re allergic to air like I am.
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