Having a frog as a pet

Having a frog as a pet

Over the weekend, I built a frog habitat for my daughter.

She has been asking my wife and I to get her a frog for the past couple years, but up until now we both felt that she was just too young for the responsibility. Frogs are one of the most difficult creatures to keep alive in captivity. At least, that’s what we discovered when we researched the topic. My daughter protested that many frogs are actually quite easy to keep alive, but of course, she wanted some rare and obscure tree frog or something. I don’t understand why we couldn’t simply try to catch a frog in the backyard and make that her pet instead. She has to make everything so complicated. Anyway, we finally got the frog of her dreams, and I was setting up the frog habitat. I did not anticipate that this frog was going to need so many special items for its habitat, but it has a very strict heating and cooling regimen that needs to be maintained by special equipment. This equipment needs to be attached to the tank at all times to regulate the temperature in such a way that the frog is its most healthy possible. There are even special items that you need to put in the tank including heating rocks. My daughter is currently stressing out about all the different things that she can put in the tank for decoration. I could have never guessed that a tiny frog would end up costing us so much money, but at least my daughter is happy.

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