I Never Thought a New HEPA Filter Could be so Important

I Never Thought a New HEPA Filter Could be so Important

I used to live a high-powered lifestyle, climbing the corporate ladder, always pushing for more.

Then one day it all changed, almost like someone flipped a switch in me and I knew my life was going to change.

I felt shackled by all of my possessions, having no freedom left in my once carefree life. So, I made some abrupt changes in my life, helping free me from the confines of all of this ownership and debt. It took me about a year to enact my plan but once I did I was much happier in the end. Great choices, great life. I still need the basic necessities such as a warm house to live in and clean purified air. I found this out years ago when living with a buddy with a dog. He always had the a/c on and never cleaned the filters, and I was always sneezing and sick. I didn’t realize it was the poor air quality that was making me sick but I soon figured it out. I invested in a few HEPA filters for my air conditioner and heater, along with my vacuum cleaner. I didn’t realize how important this type of filter was for vacuum cleaners until my girlfriend told me about it. Some people are sick a lot and if they just put a HEPA filter in their air handler they would probably be a lot healthier. They should teach this in school. Maybe I will help inform people about this when I do my shows on stage. I believe that both purified air and water are paramount for good health.

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