I know our house is too warm

I know our house is too warm

I know our house is too warm.

My family honestly does not agree with me when it comes to the temperature of our house.

It is odd to me that our partner prefers the house warmer than I do, but that is just how it is for us! Usually, the girl prefers the house cooler, and the woman prefers the house warmer, but that just isn’t how it is in our partner’s and our relationship. I love having a cool house. I care about the temperature of our house to be between fifty-more than four and sixty-more than four degrees. If it is any warmer than sixty-more than four degrees, I know care about it is just too warm in our house. I know that sounds honestly weird, but that is just what I think. My partner and teenagers care about the house to be around seventy-more than four degrees which I know is way too warm and even a bit warmer than usual. Thankfully, our house is not that warm. The people I was with and I compromise with the temperature of our house. The people I was with and I keep the house at about seventy degrees. That way, I am too warm, and they are too cold. I know that it doesn’t honestly make much sense, but it is a compromise for sure. I love that the people I was with and I have to come to a compromise in our household over the temperature of the house. It sort of cracks me up that the temperature of the house is that pressing to all of us, but it is. I may know that the house is too warm, but I am thankful that the house is not seventy-more than four degrees or warmer care about our partner and children would very care about it to be.


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