I really hate my HVAC technician

I really hate my HVAC technician

I really hate my HVAC technician, and I have no idea why my husband keeps hiring the same HVAC technician to fix all of our HVAC units.

  • I have never liked the HVAC technician.

It isn’t because the HVAC technician is a bad HVAC technician. My husband would never let the HVAC technician work on our HVAC units if the HVAC technician wasn’t good at fixing HVAC units. One of the reasons why my husband hires this HVAC technician so consistently is because the HVAC company that he works for does not charge a lot for their high-quality HVAC repairs. However, I would be willing to pay the extra money in order to be able to hire a different HVAC technician. The reason that I do not like the HVAC technician is that the HVAC technician is my ex-boyfriend. It was so long ago, and we have harbored no feelings whatsoever. I dumped my ex a long time ago. I am in my 30s, and we haven’t dated since high school. However, the reason that I dumped him was that he cheated on me. Long before he became an HVAC technician, he cheated on me with my former best friend. I dumped him right before graduation, and I haven’t seen him since he went to HVAC school. Apparently, he is now married to my former best friend, and he even plans to start his own HVAC company. I hate how successful his life has been, and I hate the way that he treats me when he fixes the HVAC units in my house. I don’t even want him here.


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