Understanding what I pay for

Understanding what I pay for

It used about 5000 KWH last month making me feel like I would be better off with a bunch of light bulbs that generate some heat

I know that I am not a candidate for being a world scholar with a high IQ. But I have a nice method about how we can find people who should be world scholars. My test would have no questions about which image doesn’t fit or math questions. I would simply hand over my yearly electric bill to the people and tell them to interpret it. I normally just look at the final figure that says, amount due and pay it. KWH seems straight forward. If you light up ten 100-watt light bulbs and keep them on for 60 minutes, then the electric consumption is 1 KWH. My bill says I used about 2000 KWH last year so at 10 cents for each KWH our bill should be about $200. It’s those added fees that confuse me. The distribution charge, generation charge, and 1 called a consumer education fee as if I am a kid in school. At least I know what the greatest contributor to my electric bill is. It is the Heating, Ventilation plus air conditioning unit. It used about 5000 KWH last month making me feel like I would be better off with a bunch of light bulbs that generate some heat. My Heating, Ventilation plus air conditioning serviceman suggested that I adjust the temperature control and have the method cleaned at least twice each year. I just hope that the repair I had done makes a big impact on my final payment due. I honestly don’t want to spend more on Heating and Air Conditioning.


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