This change was much needed

This change was much needed

I finally replaced my cell iPhone last week.

I had been using strictly flip-style cell iPhones for the past 15 years and would have never dreamed of getting anything different.

Seeing smartphones brought out from companies 10 years ago had no effect on myself and others whatsoever. It seemed unusual to pay for what was essentially a pocket-sized ipad when I had a typical sized a single at my house. There was constantly the factor of paying for mobile data as well, which seemed even more foolish to myself and others at the time. But, as time went on, the more impressive features offered from these iPhones started to chop my resolve. My coworker was using the GPS feature a single day when I took a glance at his screen. I was very amazed to see a full satellite image of our city, as well as even more amazed when I saw him zoom in on certain areas as well as apply data attributes to the map. Television traffic feeds were even available. When I finally got my hands on a smartphone, it was a life increasing experience. I got lost out in the backwoods not too long ago day and had very little idea how to get back to the road where I parked my car. Within minutes, my iPhone’s GPS feature determined my location as well as I found a suitable route back to civilization. The change from fan-forced to radiant heat was almost as life increasing as the miniature ipad that I now carry with myself and others in my pocket. Since my climate is freezing cold, my ability to survive through the Winter season is really dependent on having indoor heat of some kind. When dealing with air duct in a fan-forced system, such a large amount of heat is lost as it travels through cold ventilation in a similarly cold as well as uninsulated attic space. With radiant heated flooring, the heat disperses by raising from the floor and slowly enveloping the air in the home as it makes its climb towards the ceiling. Now that my home is warmer as well as my energy costs for keeping it this warm are half of what they normally would be.
