I don’t think I’ll put AC in the old cabin

I don’t think I’ll put AC in the old cabin

That quaint little cabin on the hill just north of town was my dream house. No, it was not big, nor was it fancy, in fact it was downright rustic. Some might even call it primitive, but perhaps that is just what appealed to me so much about the place. It was built by hand some twenty years ago, by a retiree who cut all the logs himself and built it every inch with his own hands. The backstory was pretty appealing to me, but what I really loved was the craftsmanship of the cabin itself. Due to its age, placement, and simplicity it had no HVAC system, and only the most rudimentary of ductwork installed in its walls. The old man was not overly concerned with cooling the place down over the summers, which are usually short and mild around here. He did provide an excellent heating source for the place, with an old but strong furnace that could burn wood or switch over to run on natural gas. The furnace was located in the dead center of the house, and heated the entire place up equally, if weakly. When you sit right next to the furnace it is almost too hot, but in the bedroom on either side of the cabin it is much chillier. It is not a big deal, and certainly nothing that can’t be remedied with a couple of cheap space heaters in the corners. I have no desire to make any major changes to the place, nor to add air conditioning, and keep it just as it is.

furnace/heater service