My childhood air conditioner

My childhood air conditioner

My childhood air conditioner was funky thing.

  • I didn’t know it then, but it was a window air conditioner.

Back then, I just thought it looked like one huge box, clinging onto the window for dear life. I always imagined it had miniature hands underneath it, clinging onto the window beneath it. This is why I actually avoided going to close to it, because if it was angry it might let go of the window and fall on me! Yeah, my logic was weird back then. Anyhow, when I became older I purchased a newly built house. I had to choose what cooling system I would like for my new house. There were many options to choose from, although since my house is smaller, that eliminated my options down to a few. I could go with the old reliable, the window air conditioning, or I could go with one of the newest options out there, but it is fairly expensive. As well I am sure that getting a HVAC technician to come for air conditioning service would also be quite costly. I decided to go with my old faithful, my window air conditioner. The HVAC provider came quickly and with his AC equipment, installed my new window air conditioning system. Leaning closer, I suddenly had a flashback to when I was staring fascinated at the big box puffing a cooling breeze, young and curious I was then. Older and wiser I am now. Now that I am done taking a path down memory lane, it’s time for me to enjoy the present, which means going to another favorite spot I had as a child, the beach.


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